[CentOS-devel] Re: CentOS-4.4 yumconf

Tue Sep 12 14:13:08 UTC 2006
Roland Alder <roli-caosity at galaxy.ch>

Some days ago, there was the discussion about the new centos-release
package with merged in yum (and other) configuration files instead of
separate yumconf as until 4.3.

I today tried using %trigger sections in the own package. After some
testing I can say it looks good and seem to work fine (at least here).

The trigger basically just moves the repo files known to be installed by
centos-yumconf (and only those, so it has still to be adapted if CentOS
e.g. adds more .repo files) to a different filename not used by yum.

On removal of the own yumconf package, that backed up files are moved
back to it's original name.

The whole thing even seem to work over updates/removals/installs of both.

Maybe that's also useful for others having that problem, but of course
needs some adaption.

Kind regards

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