[CentOS-devel] Question re RPM Package Naming

Thu Apr 19 00:13:17 UTC 2007
Les Bell <lesbell at lesbell.com.au>

John Summerfield <debian at herakles.homelinux.org> wrote:

G'day Les, good to see you again, virtually speaking!

'morning, John - you're up early!

Note that the file name need not fully reflect the package name; the
package could be el5.centos.i386.rpm and the file .el5.lesbell.i386.rpm

As I understand it, the package name will generally be a substring of the
file name, and I'd certainly favour consistency here. E.g. filename
pdftk-1.12-1.el5.centos.i386.rpm, once installed, will show up as
pdftk-1.12-1.el5.centos. The way I've done this is simply to set the
Release string in the spec file to be "1.el5.centos", but obviously I could
automate this by defining some stuff in .rpmmacros or in /etc/rpm or

Anyway, at this point, I'm able to rebuild RPM's for my own setup (as I
used to do for RH9 long after RH had given up on it). I just figured I'd
get on top of the process of releasing stuff back to the community. In any
case, it'll have to take a back seat for a couple of weeks, as I have a
literature review due in next week as part of my progress towards my
Masters thesis (would you believe, I've gone back to school?!),


--- Les Bell, RHCE, CISSP
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