[CentOS-devel] bugs in an Spanish Instalation...

Sun Apr 22 10:37:52 UTC 2007
Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>

On Sat, 2007-04-21 at 16:19 -0700, Roger Peña wrote:
> --- Johnny Hughes <mailing-lists at hughesjr.com> wrote:
> > On Sat, 2007-04-21 at 06:43 -0700, Roger Peña wrote:
> > > Hi centos dev


> > > 
> > > 2- When selecting specific or individuals packages
> > in
> > > one group (KDE group) the description of each
> > package
> > > is in english, although the name of the groups
> > > packages are in spanish
> > > 
> > 
> > That would be in the comps.xml file in the KDE
> > section.  Please create
> > translated descriptions based on the current
> > comps.xml file and I will
> > be glad to add them.
> > 
> I found it but I have some doubs... 
> this file do not came from upstream ? is it added in
> centos?
> should we get the "translation team" to work in this
> file also? ;-)

Well ... that file (comps.xml) is the group file.  It is provided by
upstream (with translations for group and category descriptions) for
each repo that they create group files for.  We have to edit and modify
that file to put all the repos that are in the upstream product in one
comps.xml file (so it is not split up and based on keys).

Upstream already provides translation for most items, but if there are
some that are not provided, then we can do that for the groups and

That file (comps.xml) is VERY IMPORTANT, so we have to be careful how we
change it. (That file is the one responsible for yum group functions as
well as installing

If it is the actual "Package Descriptions" (and not group or category
descriptions) that do not have translated text, that is in a different
place (the specspo RPM).

Since you said that the description issues were the package
descriptions, it is probably an issue with the specspo RPM and not the
comps.xml file.

Downloading the specspo SRPM and doing installing it and doing:

rpmbuild -bp specspo.spec

then going to:




That is where the package summaries and descriptions are controlled.  In
the es.po file, I see several packages (including most in the kde group)
that do not have translations in es.po.  This is an upstream issue.

I certainly have no problem with our teams translating any of these (if
they want to) ... but I am not going to suggest that we do that.
Maintaining that file would be a full time job in itself.

The files themselves are fairly self explanatory, There is a file name
and a "msgid" that is searched for and a "msgstr" that replaces it.

I will certainly roll in any changes that people are willing to make,
but I do not see this as a critical issue (as we have what is upstream


Johnny Hughes
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