[CentOS-devel] Re: CentOS5 virtual machine image

Daniel de Kok

danieldk at pobox.com
Sat Jan 27 14:40:08 UTC 2007

On Sat, 27 Jan 2007 03:33:25 +0100
Nils Toedtmann <centos-mail at nils.toedtmann.net> wrote:
> Another way is to use the flat disk image that can be also used by Xen
> and UML. VMware calls that image-layout "monolithicFlat". So
> automation is easy again, just some losetup/fdisk/grub-magic.

But adding a "qemu-img convert" stanza is cheap :). Anyway, maybe we
can work together on this. I have a half-finished Python script that
does the creation/partitioning/filesystem creation, and takes a first
stab at installing packages via yum. Though, I have to tidy up the code
a bit first (and add some getopt magic). It's aimed at being general
enough for various image formats (disk/ISO).

-- Daniel

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