bugs.centos.org (was RE: [CentOS-devel] Re:kernel-2.6.9-42.37.EL.c4test is available for i686 and x86_64 in theTesting Repo)

Fri Jan 5 19:58:11 UTC 2007
Greg Swallow <greg at runlevel7.ca>

Johnny Hughes wrote:
> Well ... it is a bug tracker, however we don't have paid support :P

I think you wrote one guideline there, if you really mean that it is a
bug tracker and not a support tracker:
1. The bug tracker is for reporting bugs.  Requests for support (How do
I...?) are not appropriate here, and will receive more widespread
attention on the Centos mailing list at

> It is really a tool for people to say, hey I have that problem to, and
> for other users to help.

Sure, and once it is reported, it is searchable.  But it's better to
close off a bug and direct the reporter to the appropriate place
(upstream bug tracker, mailing list) so that people who search for the
same problem see the appropriate response.

> CentOS requires the community to help each other, so we expect other
> users to help by commenting on bugs and helping users to fix problems.

That sounds like a support tracker, as opposed to a bug tracker.
Wouldn't the mailing list be better place for support?  The bug tracker
IMO is more suited for packages that are under CentOS's control (ie,
dev, centosplus, extras).  I think bugs reported against upstream
provided packages should be acknowledged with a standard response
suggesting the user search the upstream bugzilla (and to report there if
not already reported), and then immediately closed "WONTFIX".

> The Developers do work on bugs and close them as we can ... though
> are bugs that can be closed, etc.
> Certainly there is a need for some "Trusted people" to manage CentOS
> Bugs ... and we would consider giving access to certain people to make
> that happen.

I'd like to help, but would like to have some idea what is appropriate
for the bug tracker and what isn't first.

