[CentOS-devel] I needed SVN Subversion 1.4 or greater on my centos server

Thu Jan 4 10:17:53 UTC 2007
Ralph Angenendt <ra+centos at br-online.de>

prabhat kumar wrote:
>    Subversion 1.4 Release is stable version.  Is there any reason why
>    we do not have Subversion 1.4 in the CentOSPlus repo ?  

Yes. And the reason is called apr.

>    Is there any way to use Subversion 1.4 in the CentOSPlus repo.

No. And the reason is called apr.

CentOS uses apr-0.9.4, subversion 1.4 need apr-0.9.7, which isn't
installable without rebuilding *much* of the distribution.

subversion 1.3.2 is available from the rpmforge repository, though. See


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