[CentOS-devel] Specfiles for orage, xarchiver and arj

Mon Jun 25 18:10:32 UTC 2007
Heiko Adams <heiko.adams at gmx.de>

I took the fedora core 6 srpms for orage, xarchiver and arj to rebuild
them for centos 5 with the hope that these packages will soon find it's
way into centos.

Orage is a Time-managing application for Xfce4.

Xarchiver is a lightweight GTK2 only frontend for manipulating 7z, arj,
bzip2, gzip, iso, rar, lha, tar, zip, RPM and deb files. It allows you
to create archives and add, extract, and delete files from them.
Password protected archives in the arj, 7z, rar, and zip formats are

The arj package is an open source version of the arj archiver. This
version has been created with the intent to preserve maximum
compatibility and retain the feature set of original ARJ archiver as
provided by ARJ Software, Inc.

SRPMs can be found at:
Heiko Adams <heiko.adams at gmx.de>
-------------- next part --------------
Name:           arj
Version:        3.10.22
Release:        2%{?dist}
Summary:        Archiver for .arj files
Group:          Applications/Archiving
License:        GPL
URL:            http://arj.sourceforge.net/
Source0:        http://dl.sf.net/sourceforge/%{name}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
# unarj.* from Debian.
Source1:        unarj.sh
Source2:        unarj.1
Patch0:         http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/a/%{name}/%{name}_%{version}-2.diff.gz
BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
BuildRequires:  autoconf
Provides:       unarj = %{version}-%{release}
Obsoletes:      unarj < 3

This package is an open source version of the arj archiver.  This
version has been created with the intent to preserve maximum
compatibility and retain the feature set of original ARJ archiver as
provided by ARJ Software, Inc.

%setup -q
%patch -p1
for i in debian/patches/00*.patch; do
  patch -p1 < $i
pushd gnu

pushd gnu
# no %{?_smp_mflags}, arj is not parallel build clean, no stripping please

# rm the register remainders of arj's sharewares time
rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/arj-register
rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/arj-register.1*
install -Dpm 644 resource/rearj.cfg.example \
install -pm 755 %{SOURCE1} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/unarj
install -pm 644 %{SOURCE2} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/unarj.1


%doc ChangeLog* doc/COPYING doc/rev_hist.txt
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/rearj.cfg

* Sat Jun 23 2007 Heiko Adams <info at fedora-blog.de> 3.10.22-2
- Rebuild for CentOS 5

* Sat Sep  9 2006 Hans de Goede <j.w.r.degoede at hhs.nl> 3.10.22-1
- initial FE submission based on a src.rpm by Ville Skytt?
-------------- next part --------------
Summary: Time-managing application for Xfce4
Name: orage
Version: 4.4.0
Release: 2%{?dist}
License: GPL
URL: http://www.xfce.org/
Source0: http://www.xfce.org/archive/xfce-4.4.0/src/orage-4.4.0.tar.bz2
Group: User Interface/Desktops
Buildroot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
BuildRequires: xfce-mcs-manager-devel
BuildRequires: libxfce4util-devel
BuildRequires: libxfcegui4-devel
BuildRequires: xfce4-panel-devel
BuildRequires: startup-notification-devel
BuildRequires: gettext
BuildRequires: dbh-devel
BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils
BuildRequires: db4-devel

Provides: xfcalendar = %{version}-%{release}
Obsoletes: xfcalendar <= 4.2.3-3.fc6

Time-managing application for Xfce4.

%setup -q


make %{?_smp_mflags}

rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_libdir}/xfce4/mcs-plugins/*.a
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_libdir}/xfce4/mcs-plugins/*.la
%find_lang %{name}

rm -f ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/applications/xfcalendar.desktop

desktop-file-install --vendor fedora                            \
        --dir ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/applications         \
        --add-category X-Fedora                                 \


touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor || :
%{_bindir}/gtk-update-icon-cache --quiet %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor || :

touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor || :
%{_bindir}/gtk-update-icon-cache --quiet %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor || :

%files -f %{name}.lang

* Sat Jun 23 2007 Heiko Adams <info at fedora-blog.de> -  4.4.0-2
- Rebuild for CentOS 5

* Sun Jan 21 2007 Kevin Fenzi <kevin at tummy.com> - 4.4.0-1
- Update to 4.4.0

* Thu Nov 16 2006 Kevin Fenzi <kevin at tummy.com> -
- Add db4-devel to BuildRequires

* Fri Nov 10 2006 Kevin Fenzi <kevin at tummy.com> -
- Update

* Sun Oct 15 2006 Kevin Fenzi <kevin at tummy.com> -
- xfce4-datetime-plugin is back, remove obsoletes and provides

* Sat Oct  7 2006 Kevin Fenzi <kevin at tummy.com> -
- Fix Obsoletes

* Thu Oct  5 2006 Kevin Fenzi <kevin at tummy.com> -
- Add period at the end of description. 
- Fix defattr
- Add gtk-update-icon-cache

* Wed Oct  4 2006 Kevin Fenzi <kevin at tummy.com> -
- Bump release for devel checkin

* Sun Sep 24 2006 Kevin Fenzi <kevin at tummy.com> -
- Obsolete xfce4-datetime-plugin

* Sun Sep  3 2006 Kevin Fenzi <kevin at tummy.com> -
- Update to
- Added desktop files 

* Wed Aug 30 2006 Kevin Fenzi <kevin at tummy.com> -
- Update to and change name to orage

* Mon Nov  7 2005 Kevin Fenzi <kevin at tummy.com> - 4.2.3-1.fc5
- Update to 4.2.3
- Added dist tag

* Tue May 17 2005 Kevin Fenzi <kevin at tummy.com> - 4.2.2-1.fc4
- Update to 4.2.2

* Sat May  7 2005 Kevin Fenzi <kevin at tummy.com> - 4.2.1-5.fc3
- Add missing dbh-devel buildrequires

* Fri Mar 25 2005 Kevin Fenzi <kevin at tummy.com> - 4.2.1-4.fc4
- lowercase Release

* Fri Mar 25 2005 Kevin Fenzi <kevin at tummy.com> - 4.2.1-3.FC4
- Remove unneeded la/a files

* Sun Mar 20 2005 Warren Togami <wtogami at redhat.com> - 4.2.1-2
- fix BuildRequires

* Tue Mar 15 2005 Kevin Fenzi <kevin at tummy.com> - 4.2.1-1
- Updated to 4.2.1 version

* Tue Mar  8 2005 Kevin Fenzi <kevin at tummy.com> - 4.2.0-2
- Fixed to use %%find_lang
- Removed generic INSTALL from %%doc
- Added BuildRequires for xfce-mcs-manager-devel

* Sun Mar  6 2005 Kevin Fenzi <kevin at tummy.com> - 4.2.0-1
- Inital Fedora Extras version
-------------- next part --------------
Name:           xarchiver
Version:        0.4.9
Release:        0.3.20070103svn24249%{?dist}
Summary:        Archive manager for Xfce

Group:          Applications/Archiving
License:        GPL
URL:            http://xarchiver.xfce.org/
# Source0 was generated with the following commands:
# svn co -r24249 http://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/xarchiver/trunk xarchiver
# tar -cjf xarchiver-`date +%G%m%d`svn.tar.bz2 xarchiver
Source0:        xarchiver-20070103svn.tar.bz2
#Source0:        http://dl.sf.net/sourceforge/xarchiver/xarchiver-%{version}.tar.bz2
BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)

BuildRequires:  gtk2-devel, libxml2-devel, gettext, desktop-file-utils
BuildRequires:  xfce4-dev-tools >=
Requires:       arj, binutils, bzip2, cpio, gzip, htmlview, tar, unzip, zip

Xarchiver is a lightweight GTK2 only frontend for manipulating 7z, arj, bzip2, 
gzip, iso, rar, lha, tar, zip, RPM and deb files. It allows you to create 
archives and add, extract, and delete files from them. Password protected 
archives in the arj, 7z, rar, and zip formats are supported.

%setup -qn xarchiver

make %{?_smp_mflags}


# We need to install xarchiver.tap as fedora-xarchiver.tap, because the name 
# has to match the basename of the desktop-file in %{_datadir}/applications.
rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libexecdir}/thunar-archive-plugin/xarchiver.tap
install -p -m 755 xarchiver.tap \

%find_lang %{name}
desktop-file-install --vendor fedora                            \
        --dir ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/applications         \
        --delete-original                                       \
        --add-mime-type=application/x-cd-image                  \
        --add-mime-type=application/x-rpm                       \
        --add-mime-type=application/x-deb                       \

update-desktop-database &> /dev/null ||:
touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor || :
%{_bindir}/gtk-update-icon-cache --quiet %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor || :

update-desktop-database &> /dev/null ||:
touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor || :
%{_bindir}/gtk-update-icon-cache --quiet %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor || :


%files -f %{name}.lang
%lang(it) %doc LEGGIMI
%dir %{_datadir}/pixmaps/%{name}/
%dir %{_libexecdir}/thunar-archive-plugin/
# exculde duplicate docs
%exclude %{_docdir}/%{name}/AUTHORS
%exclude %{_docdir}/%{name}/COPYING
%exclude %{_docdir}/%{name}/ChangeLog
%exclude %{_docdir}/%{name}/NEWS
%exclude %{_docdir}/%{name}/README
%exclude %{_docdir}/%{name}/TODO

* Sat Jun 23 2007 Heiko Adams <info at fedora-blog.de> - 0.4.9-0.3.20070103svn24249
- Rebuild for CentOS 5

* Fri Mar 02 2007 Christoph Wickert <fedora christoph-wickert de> - 0.4.9-0.2.20070103svn24249
- Downgrade to SVN release 24249 in order to fix #230154 temporarily.

* Sun Jan 28 2007 Christoph Wickert <fedora christoph-wickert de> - 0.4.9-0.1.20070128svn24772
- Update to SVN release 24772 of January 28th 2007.

* Wed Jan 03 2007 Christoph Wickert <fedora christoph-wickert de> - 0.4.9-0.1.20070103svn
- Update to SVN r24249 of January 3rd 2007.
- Add mimetype application/x-deb again since opening of debs now is secure.

* Wed Dec 13 2006 Christoph Wickert <fedora christoph-wickert de> - 0.4.9-0.1.20061213svn
- Update to SVN r24096 of December 13th 2006.

* Wed Dec 06 2006 Christoph Wickert <fedora christoph-wickert de> - 0.4.6-3
- Add deb.patch to prevent opening of .a files as debs.
- Don't add mimetype for x-ar (archiver can't handle ar archive).

* Wed Nov 29 2006 Christoph Wickert <fedora christoph-wickert de> - 0.4.6-2
- Add htmlview.patch.

* Tue Nov 28 2006 Christoph Wickert <fedora christoph-wickert de> - 0.4.6-1
- Update to 0.4.6.
- Update %%description.
- Require binutils, cpio and htmlview.
- Add mimetypes application/x-ar, application/x-cd-image and application/x-deb.

* Tue Nov 27 2006 Christoph Wickert <fedora christoph-wickert de> - 0.4.4-1
- Update to 0.4.4.

* Sat Nov 25 2006 Christoph Wickert <fedora christoph-wickert de> - 0.4.2-0.3.rc2
- Install xarchiver.png also in %%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/.

* Sat Nov 25 2006 Christoph Wickert <fedora christoph-wickert de> - 0.4.2-0.2.rc2
- Drop subpackage and own %%{_libexecdir}/thunar-archive-plugin/ (#198098).

* Sun Nov 12 2006 Christoph Wickert <fedora christoph-wickert de> - 0.4.2-0.1.rc2
- Update to 0.4.2.RC2.

* Wed Sep 13 2006 Christoph Wickert <fedora christoph-wickert de> - 0.4.0-1
- Update to 0.4.0.

* Tue Sep 05 2006 Christoph Wickert <fedora christoph-wickert de> -
- Initial package.
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