seth vidal wrote: > - except that we've already fixed yum 3.1.X for this problem. > > If you want to backport the patch from 3.1.x to 3.0.x that'd probably be > simplest. > > in fact, it's probably what red hat has done, too. > I've got yum--3.0.x from c5b working with the mediaid stuff in a remote repo, took a part of the patch from jkatz - since he seemed to also be fixing other stuff in there. but the plot got a bit dense from there on - since it now seems we need to either : a) also backport that fix into yum-2.4 (!) or b) get a yum-3.0.x working on CentOS-4 so that people can grab that rpm, and use that to move from CentOS-4 to CentOS-5 I know the yum migration route isnt supported or even encouraged - but thats not going to stop people from doing it anyway ( as we saw during the CentOS-3 to CentOS-4 release time ). So if we can, I'd really like to make this possible, in some way or the other. So, does anyone have the time to look at this ? I am quite tied up with a *lot* of stuff on my plate at the moment. - KB -- Karanbir Singh : : 2522219 at icq