[CentOS-devel] Zero day updates upstream

Fri Mar 16 16:38:28 UTC 2007
C. Halstead <chris at sourcelabs.com>

----- "Karanbir Singh" <mail-lists at karan.org> wrote:
> Just talking to Lance and Johnny online, and we feel the best way 
> forward might be to add an Media-Updates/ repo on the iso's itself - 
> then list both the local media updates as well as mirror.centos.org 
> updates repo's in the anaconda screen, both disabled.
> We feel this gives us the max wins in each direction ( but will
> slightly increase the data size on the last cd, as packages from cd-1
> will move to cd-2 etc.
> I will still try and ensure that a minimum install is possible using 
> only cd-1, but cant promise that.
> - KB

+1 to this if we can still produce a single-CD minimal install.  IMO the value if a one-disc install is higher than the value of a release that contains the initial update set.  In a month or two there will be additional updates to apply anyway, so it doesn't seem prudent to sacrifice the one-disc install for the life of the release to gain a (very) small convenience up front.  Just my .02

C. Halstead <chris at sourcelabs.com>
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