[CentOS-devel] Re: Zero day updates upstream

Fri Mar 16 16:54:08 UTC 2007
Scott Silva <ssilva at sgvwater.com>

Karanbir Singh spake the following on 3/16/2007 9:44 AM:
> C. Halstead wrote:
>> ----- "Karanbir Singh"
>> <mail-lists at karan.org> wrote:
>>> Just talking to Lance and Johnny online, and we feel the best way
>>> forward might be to add an Media-Updates/ repo on the iso's itself -
>>> then list both the local media updates as well as mirror.centos.org
>>> updates repo's in the anaconda screen, both disabled.
>>> We feel this gives us the max wins in each direction ( but will
>>> slightly increase the data size on the last cd, as packages from cd-1
>>> will move to cd-2 etc.
>>> I will still try and ensure that a minimum install is possible using
>>> only cd-1, but cant promise that.
>>> - KB
>> +1 to this if we can still produce a single-CD minimal install.  IMO
>> the value if a one-disc install is higher than the value of a release
>> that contains the initial update set.  In a month or two there will be
>> additional updates to apply anyway, so it doesn't seem prudent to
>> sacrifice the one-disc install for the life of the release to gain a
>> (very) small convenience up front.  Just my .02
>> ---
> if we can get a few more people voting this way, then I feel we have a
> decision on this issue.
> - KB
I have to say that keeping as much upstream compatibility as possible is a
good thing. Fixing the broken things is good, and I know that the CentOS team
has probably fixed some bugs that upstream is appreciative of.
But changing the release CD's might turn into a nightmare for the maintainers.
Do you do it just for the initial release?
How about for the next rollup?
And after that, what?

If you see a critical bug that a package will fix, adding it would be a plus,
as was the i586 installer you added. But keep the upstream compatibility where
you can. It will make passing bug reports up the chain a little easier.
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