[CentOS-devel] Zero day updates upstream

Sat Mar 17 01:24:15 UTC 2007
Jeff Sheltren <sheltren at cs.ucsb.edu>

John Summerfield wrote:
>> It is not like these packages will not be available when CentOS 5 goes 
>> public, ti's just a matter of if they'll be on the CD or not.  In my 
>> opinion, it's not worth the trouble to modify the CDs and installer, 
>> but I'm not the one doing the work, so I'll leave that decision up to 
>> the centos developers.
> _I_ can download the ISOs at work, but not everyone is even that 
> well-placed. Keeping up2date is a lot more bother. Laptops, nt so bad, 
> but non-portables? My WBEL system hasn't been updated.
OK, so at this point what is the difference of having 5-10 updated 
packages at release time?
