[CentOS-devel] Anaconda Slides in "Other Than English"

Sun Mar 18 18:23:26 UTC 2007
Roger Peña <orkcu at yahoo.com>

--- Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org> wrote:

> All,
> We have added some anaconda slides to the CentOS
> Wiki as they are
> presently for English.
> http://wiki.centos.org/ArtWork/rnotes
> We have attached a text file with some rewording and
> what will become a
> new virtualization slide.
> What we need is for "other than english" speakers to
> translate the
> slides to other local languages.
> Please could we have volunteers translate the text
> for the  "Title" and
> "Information" sections and attach them to e-mails to
> this list?

this is my very-first version of

I am CC to centos-es mailling list so we could get
more contributions:

again, a wiki page with this file information as the
start seed could help in the same way wikipedia get a
better article :-)


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