> And Japanese is apparently one of the choices...So, here we go, the > Japanese translation. > > > Slide 3: > Just a question: why aren't slides 1 and 2 included in the .txt to be translated? Was it a mistake? or will slides 1 and 2 be in English only? > Title: Yumによるソフトウェアの管理 > > インストールやアップグレードではyum (Yellow Dog Updater, Modified)を使うことを > お勧めします。 > -- Ing. Ernesto Pérez Estévez http://www.ecualinux.com USA: +1 305 675 1512 Ext 203 / España: +34 917617884 Ext 203 Ecuador: +593 2 3412402 / + 593 9 9246504