[CentOS-devel] Re: Third repos CentOS 5 compatibility

Mon May 7 15:38:56 UTC 2007
Les Mikesell <lesmikesell at gmail.com>

Johnny Hughes wrote:
> However, CentOS is designed to be Enterprise and provide support for 7
> years ... what is going to happen when you decide that you no longer
> want to support your software?  That is right .. I GET TO SUPPORT IT FOR
> 7 YEARS.
> Wait and see what happens when some of these "so called" extras packages
> move on past the version of python, glibc, php, etc. and fail to compile
> on the el4 or el5 target.
> EPEL is a great idea ... but I want to see what happens when it gets
> hard.  I want to see what drops and what doesn't when the project
> upstream moves to requireing php5 or python-2.4; what are the el4 guys
> going to do.  In CentOS, we try to support what we have and we have made
> a 7 year commitment.

Any chance of joining forces with Scientific Linux in the add-on 
department at least to the point of having common repositories in yum 
(perhaps disabled by default)?  Their goals seem similar including the 
support lifetime and they already have a packaged sun java:


   Les Mikesell
    lesmikesell at gmail.com