On Mon, 7 May 2007, Durval Menezes wrote: > in the end it came to naught (I privately received information from > one developer explaining why there are no clear rules, but I was asked > to keep it confidential and so I can't post it here). You are welcome to submit the [CentOS?] 'developer' email with heaeders you assert explains 'why there are no clear rules', to: security at centos.org which is monitored by at least two senior CentOS developers (including me); frankly I doubt it says what you think it does; I will consult with the author of the claimed piece and ask if he or she minds its release, if you are not interested in doing so. Let's look at things which the CentOS site says: http://wiki.centos.org/HowToContribute/Packages -- right off the bat: "Make sure the package you want to contribute isn't already in some repository ..." see also: http://wiki.centos.org/Become_a_CentOS_developer -- which was written with the invitation of Jim Perrin onto the CentOS team fresh in mind. In looking at your packagings, I see you have: http://www.durval.com.br/RPMS/el4/bincimap/ An interesting find, and seemingly not packaged elsewhere; last stable seems to be from 2005; a beta seems to be in verson 1.3 since then. Is it in development, still? What about security updates? -- Possible candidate http://www.durval.com.br/RPMS/el4/catdoc/ DAG, PLD, and cAos all carry this -- /mnt/nfs/var/ftp/pub/mirror/DAG/SRPMS/catdoc-0.94.2-1.rf.src.rpm http://www.durval.com.br/RPMS/el4/fping/ DAG, FE, and more carry this part of the BR for Nagios -- /mnt/nfs/var/ftp/pub/mirror/redhat/fedora/extras/SRPMS/fping-2.4b2-7.fc6.src.rpm http://www.durval.com.br/RPMS/el4/fvwm/ Wayy back when I seem to have built it; PLD too, and RHL 9; FE had it for a while; as I recall there was a security issue in the 1 series, but memory fades -- /mnt/nfs/var/ftp/pub/mirror/redhat/fedora/extras/SRPMS/fvwm-2.5.21-4.fc7.src.rpm -- /mnt/nfs/var/ftp/pub/mirror/ORC/fvwm/fvwm-1.24r-24.src.rpm http://www.durval.com.br/RPMS/el4/id3v2/ PLD and FE seem to carry this -- /mnt/nfs/var/ftp/pub/mirror/redhat/fedora/extras/SRPMS/id3v2-0.1.11-4.fc6.src.rpm http://www.durval.com.br/RPMS/el4/imapsync/ PLD seems to have it already -- /mnt/nfs/var/ftp/pub/mirror/PLD/2.0/SRPMS/imapsync-1.133-1.src.rpm http://www.durval.com.br/RPMS/el4/jpilot/ PLD, Centos-2, Fedora Core have versions -- nothing to see here http://www.durval.com.br/RPMS/el4/licq/ PLD and RPMforge have this already, although older -- /mnt/nfs/var/ftp/pub/mirror/RPMForge/SRPMS/ayo/redhat/7.2/i386/SRPMS.freshrpms/licq-1.1.0-fr1_20020228.src.rpm http://www.durval.com.br/RPMS/el4/mp3info/ PLD has it in an older version -- /mnt/nfs/var/ftp/pub/mirror/PLD/2.0/SRPMS/mp3info-0.2.16-6.src.rpm http://www.durval.com.br/RPMS/el4/multi/ -- seemingly an original and unique packaging under this naming series of another's (the author of Putty) tool; it looks marginally interesting http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/utils/ http://www.durval.com.br/RPMS/el4/openntpd/ -- http://www.durval.com.br/RPMS/el4/openntpd/openntpd.spec is unviewable from your webserver, probably with permissions issues http://www.durval.com.br/RPMS/el4/parsemce/ -- http://www.durval.com.br/RPMS/el4/parsemce/parsemce.spec is a direct copy from a packaging by #Vendor: Dave Jones <davej at redhat.com> -- but seemingly never made it further; PLD seems to have it. Why is it not still going upstream? -- /mnt/nfs/var/ftp/pub/mirror/PLD/2.0/SRPMS/parsemce-0.0.8-1.src.rpm http://www.durval.com.br/RPMS/el4/privoxy/ umm -- in RHEL 5, it seems -- /mnt/nfs/var/ftp/pub/mirror/redhat/rhel5/SRPMS/privoxy-3.0.3-9.2.2.src.rpm > This is very frustrating, and I think it keeps many people from > contributing to CentOS. sort of like going through a list of packagings and finding that most are already out there? ;0 -- Russ Herrold