[CentOS-devel] yum 2.4.3 updates for CentOS 3 and 4 in the testing repo

Fri May 11 10:29:46 UTC 2007
Daniel de Kok <danieldk at pobox.com>

Hi Akemi,

On Thu, 2007-05-10 at 18:13 -0700, Akemi Yagi wrote:
> Tried your new yum on couple of C4 i386 boxes.  It is significantly
> faster than the previous version.  Here is the output of a 'yum
> check-update' :

Thanks for testing this!

> The total time from the "before" run was 36.88 seconds.  It was < 5
> seconds "after" the update.  By the way, why is it that the updated
> version does not show info like the number of packages and the elapsed
> time?

This was disabled by a patch from Fedora. The reason seems to be to
avoid tree compose breakage.
