[CentOS-devel] yum 2.4.3 updates for CentOS 3 and 4 in the testing repo

Sat May 12 17:51:15 UTC 2007
"Ing. Ernesto Pérez Estévez" <centos at ecualinux.com>

Jim Perrin wrote:
> On 5/10/07, Daniel de Kok <daniel at centos.org> wrote:
> So far the response seems to have been overwhelmingly positive for the
> c4 series. Anyone out there using the centos3 yum updates?
I am, it was very simple to setup, it honoured my previous yum.conf.

updating, listing and installing was really fast compared with the old 
yum... real real fast... The original yum on centos3 is quite slow... 
this new one does the job in a blink.

I installed it on 2 CentOS-3 servers today. I will report any problem, 
if found.

Ing. Ernesto Pérez Estévez
USA: +1 305 675 1512 Ext 203 / España: +34 917617884 Ext 203
Ecuador: +593 2 3412402 / + 593 9 9246504