[CentOS-devel] IcedTea

Wed Nov 21 22:29:28 UTC 2007
Daniel de Kok <daniel at centos.org>

Hi all,

IcedTea for CentOS 5/i386 is now available through the CentOS-testing
repository. IcedTea provides a development platform/runtime environment
based on OpenJDK[1]. It is basically OpenJDK, with the binary plugs
replaced by stubs or GNU Classpath code. These packages were built upon
the excellent work of the IcedTea and Fedora projects.

To use IcedTea with some Java programs that are included in CentOS like
Ant, you also need a new jpackage-utils package that is also available
through the testing repository.

Information on using the CentOS Testing repository can be found on the 
CentOS Wiki at:


Take care,

PS. IcedTea for CentOS 5/x86_64 will soon be available.

PPS. IcedTea may or may not work out of the box with Java applications
included in CentOS 5. E.g. CentOS 5 Eclipse doesn't work here, but
Eclipse from eclipse.org runs fine (after setting the compiler level to