[CentOS-devel] Interest in assisting with the Centos s390 disto

Wed Nov 21 17:40:53 UTC 2007
Dag Wieers <dag at centos.org>

On Wed, 21 Nov 2007, Hand, Ray wrote:

> I am interested in assisting with the development of the Centos s390
> disto.
> I do have access to s390 hardware and currently support 4 linux VM
> guests.
> How do I get started.

Are you already able to rebuild CentOS5 packages in in one of the guests ?
Because from the technical point of view, there is little holding you back
from rebuilding packages for s390.

I do not know what the best way is to go forward and bootstrap a build
environment. Either you could start off from a RHEL5 install, or you could
do a CentOS4 installation, use that to prepare the CentOS5 packages and
environment. And use that to bootstrap a CentOS5 build environment to
rebuild those packages.

Maybe Pasi Pirhonen could help you with the technical details or some
scripts to automate that.

I would promote an s390 SIG that brings together all interested parties
for a CentOS5 s390 build (as well as supporting to older s390 releases).

What we need most is for people to take the lead, help out or organise a
team. I know there has been interest in an s390 build from different
people so no doubt if there is a framework there will be people to join.

There is some documentation wrt. Special Interest Groups at:


but we need a developer to support this initiative. I could do that but I
lack the knowledge that real developers do :) So I think you are better
of talking to one of the developer.

Anyone ?

--   dag wieers,  dag at centos.org,  http://dag.wieers.com/   --
[Any errors in spelling, tact or fact are transmission errors]