[CentOS-devel] HTTP installation method and RELEASE-NOTES file

Thu Nov 29 17:44:32 UTC 2007
Karanbir Singh <mail-lists at karan.org>

Ray Van Dolson wrote:
> I notice if I boot CentOS 5 with the askmethod param and choose HTTP
> and point to my CentOS directory which is just a copy of all the files
> from the CD's, it errors out, and I am forced to revert to the CD
> method.

That is an issue with anaconda, if it finds local install media, it 
overrides the askmethod options and just goes ahead with local media, 
Try this - boot your machine with the local media and when you get to 
the point where it asks for language, ( first dialog ), just remove the 
local media, see if it works from remote http or not then.

> The error I see on the console and in my webserver logs indicate that
> anaconda is trying to look for the following files:
>   RELEASE-NOTES-en_US.UTF-8.html
>   RELEASE-NOTES-en_US.html
> Where the only files on the CD's are RELEASE-NOTES-en.html and
> The anaconda folks seem to think that CentOS should be using the full
> en_US variant:
>   https://www.redhat.com/archives/anaconda-devel-list/2007-November/msg00130.html

That is something worth remembering, so please go go ahead and open an 
issue for it on the bugs.centos.org site and assign it to me. I shall 
make sure its then looked at for 5.2 release. However, this is not an 
issue which will cause the installer to not use an install method.

Karanbir Singh : http://www.karan.org/  : 2522219 at icq