[CentOS-devel] Rebuild xorg

Sun Dec 21 16:11:56 UTC 2008
Alain PORTAL <alain.portal at free.fr>

Le dimanche 21 décembre 2008, William L. Maltby a écrit :

> You ought to be able to get at least VESA stuff.

In xorg.conf, if I replace vga by vesa for driver, and if I try to startx, it 
failed and I get the following (incomplette) message:

(EE) VESA(0): No matching modes
(EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration.

As my default xorg.conf was created with pyxf86config, there is no mode 
neither modelines defined.

> As root, from a console in run level 3 (telinit 3), try

I'm in this run level since installation.

>     system-config-display

I tried this, but as it is running in a 320x200 vga mode, I can't see a lot of 
things. I think I see less than a quarter of the dialog window.

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