[CentOS-devel] New Horde version ... should we upgrade?

Tue Jul 15 10:58:56 UTC 2008
Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>

Jean-Marc LIGER wrote:
> Johnny Hughes a écrit :


>> My feeling is that we stick with the latest horde in the 3.1.x series 
>> in CentOS-4 and CentOS-5 (which is 3.1.8) and we wait until CentOS-6 
>> where we will introduce the 3.2.x series (and all the associated apps).
> I you want to follow this way, provide Horde Webmail Groupware Edition 
> 1.1.1, which is one bundle of all associed apps, seems better for me.

Right, the latest groupware version in CentOS-6 is also an option ... 
although it is just all the components in one install.  It still might 
be easier to have them broken out.  But, the either way, the result is 
no upgrade that breaks horde now and an upgrade in CentOS-6.

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