[CentOS-devel] Distro Theming

Wed Jun 25 19:43:02 UTC 2008
Alain Reguera Delgado <alain.reguera at gmail.com>

Hi guys,

What do you think of adding some of modern-CentOS design into our
CentOS distro ?

Take a look at: http://wiki.centos.org/ArtWork/DistroDesign/modern-CentOS

I would like to collect comments of people how really know what things
must be changed, dimensions, CentOS Look and Feel, and stuff like
that, in order to focus the actions over what is really needed.

Here we propose:
 1. Anaconda new designs (slides, splash, etc).
 1. A Wallpaper
 1. A LoginScreen
 1. A GRUB Boot Image.

I would like to build that page like a Template with useful
information about the CentOS key elements that need to be changed, and
how they could be changed (note that some elements like rhgb need
modifications on a file splash.c that a "find / -iname splash.c"
did'nt find, maybe that's on my pc only). Also how could we test an
anaconda new design ? to make fixes and adjustments.

Anything else you consider useful is welcome.

This initial work is based on:
