[CentOS-devel] yum and fastestmirror

Thu Jun 12 13:30:12 UTC 2008
Bogdan Costescu <Bogdan.Costescu at iwr.uni-heidelberg.de>

On Thu, 12 Jun 2008, Les Mikesell wrote:

>>  would save me once less configuration step on every new install
> Likewise for yum-downloadonly.

I think that it's worth asking the more general question: if the 
plugins don't modify at all (like downloadonly) or only make better 
(like fastestmirror) the behaviour of yum, shouldn't they be in by 
default ?

Bogdan Costescu

IWR, University of Heidelberg, INF 368, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany
Phone: +49 6221 54 8869/8240, Fax: +49 6221 54 8868/8850
E-mail: bogdan.costescu at iwr.uni-heidelberg.de