[CentOS-devel] Re: rhwas 5 work?

Fri Mar 28 20:34:05 UTC 2008
Les Mikesell <lesmikesell at gmail.com>

Karanbir Singh wrote:
> Scott Silva wrote:
>> Is there any hopes in getting everything but java ready and provide a
>> howto or script that will get java going, like maybe a nosrc rpm?
> That is definitely an option, do you want to look at that and propose a
> nosrc ?

I'm pretty sure the jpackage version for 4.x will still work for 5.x 
even though they don't have a yum repo for 5.x.

Or, you might ask the opennms guys if you could mirror their yum repo 
that has a working jdk rpm...

   Les Mikesell
    lesmikesell at gmail.com