[CentOS-devel] rhwas 5 work?

Thu Mar 27 02:05:15 UTC 2008
John Summerfield <debian at herakles.homelinux.org>

Karanbir Singh wrote:
> Joe Pruett wrote:
>> are there people working on getting the rhwas 5 rpms builtup for 
>> centosplus 5?  the gophp5 people are starting to have an impact and 
>> drupal users are wanting php 5.2, which i was surprised to see in the 
>> rhwas srpms directory.  the users might even be willing to be testers 
>> since they're on a virtual server.
> Yes, been working on the rhwas stuff for centos5, and I was going to 
> post an email on this list about that tomorrow.
> Some of the components, like php5/mysql/httpd/mod_perl etc build with no 
> issues - however, the Java bits are a bit tricky. And to be honest, I 
> could use some help from people who know a bit more about the situation.
> We cant build and ship out the java stuff without using some jre / jvm - 
> IcedTea is not quite there yet. And I dont think we can actually ship 
> any jdk due to licensing issues. Could we ?

I'm sure you can ship jre, always have "with your application." Wrt jdk, 
I'd check the licence with the latest, and if in doubt ask Sun or ship 
something to download it and install it from Sun's site.



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