[CentOS-devel] KVM-66 packages in testing

Fri May 2 22:10:03 UTC 2008
Daniel de Kok <daniel at centos.org>

On Fri, May 2, 2008 at 7:19 PM, Farkas Levente <lfarkas at bppiac.hu> wrote:
>  are you plan to update virt-manager, libvirt, python-virtinst and gtk-vnc?
>  most of them can be simple rebuild from fedora's development or can be
> found in my repo http://www.lfarkas.org/linux/packages/centos/5/.

I'd like to stay with the current versions, and see what movement
there will be upstream. As things look right now, 5.2 will have new
libvirt (plus dependent) packages. So, I'd rather not go through a
whole testing recycle, when the packages will not be of much use when
5.2 is released anyway.

Take care,