[CentOS-devel] Re: Volunteering for CentOS

Wed May 28 14:11:19 UTC 2008
Daniel de Kok <me at danieldk.org>

Hi Jordan,

On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 12:58 AM, Jordan Evans <jordanevans19 at gmail.com> wrote:
>     I took a look at the various projects and the ToDo list, the project
> that interested me Pandora, although I would have to brush up on my python
> ;).

I could use help there, since I am pretty much stuck in the
thesis/work realm ;). To get started, you'd need some experience with
Python and the Django web framework (which is fairly easy to learn).
There are still many things that need to be done. From the top of my
head, the most urgent things:

- Get up a demo of the current development snapshot.
- Store all Changelog entries for one changelog together in one
record. Now there is a separate table with all the individual entries,
which is slow ;).
- Add RSS feeds.
- Use a different non-python metadata parser. Maybe the yum C metadata
parser can be used or reused (IIRC it can't be used as-is, because
we're interested in all package versions for Pandora, not just the

The first three should all be relatively easy to do. If you'd like to
work on one or more of these items, let us know. diffs against the
tree are welcome on this list (so that they don't get lost, and can
get peer-review).

Take care,