[CentOS-devel] Building latest kmods for latest kernel automatically

Tue Nov 18 22:20:29 UTC 2008
Fabian Arrotin <fabian.arrotin at arrfab.net>

Akemi Yagi wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 1:55 PM, Fabian Arrotin
>> Simple example : i'm a new sysadmin and i've recently installed a clean
>> CentOS 5.2 on which i've directly made updates. So (at this time) i'm
>> running with kernel-2.6.18-92.1.18.
>> Two days after i'm interested in installing kmod-drbd82 and , surprise,
>> there is not kmod-drbd82-`uname -r` available in the centos extras repo ..
>> weak-updates is 'invoked' after each kernel update so that kmod installed
>> (and correctly located in the 'extras' directory) will be linked for the
>> newly installed kernel.
>> But that will not solve the problem for people only wanting to start using a
>> specific kmod with the latest kernel already installed .. or am i missing
>> the point ?
> Weak-updates, when invoked, will look for *all* kABI compatible
> kernels on a given system and create a symlink for each one of them.
> (is my understanding)
> Akemi

Yes, my bad .. i didn't notice that actual kmod-drbd82-8.2.6-2 already 
used the weak-modules scripts ...
I think the wiki has to be updated now to say "yum install 
kmod-drbd82"and not "yum install kmod-drbd82-`uname -r`"
On the other hand it's true that having old kmod (with specific kver in 
the name) in the same repository tends to confuse people : that's why i 
reacted on the first question because there was no 'actual' kmod in the 
repo .. so i guess that all older kmods not using /sbin/weak-updates can 
be removed from the repo
Are all the provided kmod rpms already using the weak-modules scripts ?

Fabian Arrotin <fabian.arrotin at arrfab.net>
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