[CentOS-devel] rubygems rpm spec file

Wed Nov 19 01:02:32 UTC 2008
Manuel Wolfshant <wolfy at nobugconsulting.ro>

On 11/18/2008 07:54 PM, Matt Rose wrote:
> Whoops, see comments in the previous email.  Attached is the updated spec
I've cleaned up a bit the spec, making it closer to the Fedora 
guidelines. It still has some errors because the list of files passed to 
% files includes the following files and directories which are already 
owned by other packages (and with no chance to be left unowned, should 
rubygems be uninstalled):
/usr/bin (owned by filesystem)
/usr/lib (owned by filesystem)
/usr/lib/ruby (owned by ruby-libs)
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby (owned by ruby-libs)
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8 (owned by ruby-libs)

And last but not least, I think that a %test section would be nice to be 
included. Unfortunately I know no ruby at all, so I cannot create this 
part of the spec for you. And I am to busy^H^H^H^Hlazy to read the docs now.

Hope this helps.
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