[CentOS-devel] rubygems rpm spec file

Wed Nov 19 17:51:16 UTC 2008
Matt Rose <mrose at n-able.com>

Huh, I was sure I looked at the epel repo.  Is the EPEL stuff able to be 
run under CentOS OK?


Manuel Wolfshant wrote:
> On 11/17/2008 11:36 PM, Matt Rose wrote:
>> I built the following rpm.  It requires ruby and ruby-libs to build.
>> This version does not install the built-in rdoc and ri files for
>> rubygems, as that requires a little more work than I have time for
>> right now.
>> http://folkwolf.net/rubygems-1.3.1-1.src.rpm
> I've just noticed that rubygems-1.2.0 is in EPEL. I suggest getting in
> touch with the maintainer and kindly asking him to ship the newer
> version (he has not packaged 1.3.1 for Fedora either)
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