[CentOS-devel] Instructions on rebuilding the CentOS 5 installer?

Tue Nov 25 16:28:56 UTC 2008
James Pearson <james-p at moving-picture.com>

Karanbir Singh wrote:
> James Pearson wrote:
>> Are there any docs on how to rebuild the CentOS 5 installer?
>> I've been doing this for CentOS 4 based on the script at 
>> <http://centos.hughesjr.com/testing/build.sh.txt> - but I now need to 
>> do something similar with CentOS 5 ...
> revisor should do the right thing, mostly.

Thanks - but what is revisor? - OK, I can probably google for it, but if 
you have any pointers, that would be most useful.


James Pearson