[CentOS-devel] Instructions on rebuilding the CentOS 5 installer?

Tue Nov 25 17:50:26 UTC 2008
Karanbir Singh <kbsingh at centos.org>

James Pearson wrote:
> Out of interest, how do the CentOS team rebuild the installer?

err, I build the centos-5 installer with just the buildinstall line, 
mkisofs the isos' and push them out. Stuff has become a lot simpler with 
C5 than it was with C4.

> How do I make sure the 'packages dep loop close' - does that mean 
> running pkgorder?

I am going to presume you need just 1 installset, a DVD or a network 
install mechanism - in which case pkgorder is sort of redundant.

depclosure: that `rpm -qpR *.rpm ` should be satisfied by rpm -qp 
--provides *.rpm`; in your repository. There should be no 'dangling' 
deps. If you look at yum-utils, there are tools there which might help 
unless you want to write them yourself.

> Yes, I agree, but there are times (with CentOS 4) that I have needed to 
> rebuild the installer for my own needs - and I would like to make sure I 
> can do this with CentOS 5 when required.

buildinstall is still there, so you should be able to run it anytime. 
but I'd still be interested in knowing why you might want to rebuild the 
installer ? even most install-time changes to the installer are easily 
pushed using product.img / updates.img

Karanbir Singh
CentOS Project { http://www.centos.org/ }
irc: z00dax, #centos at irc.freenode.net