[CentOS-devel] Virtual Machines for testing of forums

Ralph Angenendt ra+centos at br-online.de
Mon Oct 6 12:28:54 UTC 2008


we have set up two virtual machines at the moment for forum testing, one
for php-bb and one for flux-bb. Both machines have a basic LAMP setup.

So whoever wants to do some testing for those: Please drop me a mail and
you'll get back the password and ip address for that machine. As a bonus
you'll also get the ldapmanager password (see LDAP section of
<http://wiki.centos.org/WebsiteVer2/forums>) and the location of your
user and groups tree in LDAP. 

If there is someone who wants to test a different forum software, please
raise your hand now (Requirements for the software can also be found on


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