[CentOS-devel] Re: CentOS Directory Server (CDS) and more is available for testing

Fri Oct 17 12:49:57 UTC 2008
Ralph Angenendt <ra+centos at br-online.de>

Angel Marin wrote:
> Ralph Angenendt wrote:
>> One thing which is really ugly is that the package does not create a
>> user and group for the directory server and uses "nobody" as a default.
> IIRC setup-ds.pl already asks for user/group you want to use for the new  
> instance and creates them/sets up the appropriate permissions. So what  
> would this rpm-created user buy us?

Yes, it asks - no, it doesn't create:

System User [nobody]: dirserv
The user 'dirserv' is invalid.

So: Opinions on hacking that into the RPMs/setup script?


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