[CentOS-devel] CentOS Directory Server (CDS) and more is available for testing

Fri Sep 26 00:02:46 UTC 2008
Karanbir Singh <mail-lists at karan.org>

Jason Cox wrote:
> Enough said, legal issues. Like I said before, I am using the testing 
> repo setup already. I just can not use something that is from a testing 
> repo in my production environment. So I will wait. Thanks.

I think a better term would be 'legal clarifications' and those are not 
about Red Hat, but more JRE / OpenJDK centric. I'll leave the details 
for Tim to fill in, since I am not upto speed with progress on that front.

Karanbir Singh : http://www.karan.org/  : 2522219 at icq