[CentOS-devel] language specific community subsites

Mon Sep 1 20:21:30 UTC 2008
Fabian Arrotin <fabian.arrotin at arrfab.net>

Karanbir Singh wrote:
> Hi,
> I know that fr.centos.org was only a pilot and one issue that lots of 
> people pointed out was that it does not look like the other CentOS.org 
> websites. Thats a point taken on board, and none of the other subsites 
> are coming up till the ArtWork guys have a look and feel sorted for the 
> fr.centos.org site. Those guys already have this in their ToDo list.

Being involved in the fr.centos.org pilot i can of course help for the 
other $lang.centos.org.
But the question to answer is the following : which forum/portal stuff 
will be used ? the same we used for fr.centos.org ? Same setup/hierarchy 
? a dedicated domU or vhost on the same domU as fr.centos.org ?
Please note that regarding Artwork, the guy who designed the 
fr.centos.org punBB theme (a member of the Fedora project French team) 
offered to do another one if needed .. of course it would be best if he 
joined the CentOS Artwork-SIG, which is something i'll ask him to do if 
Alain and the rest of the Artwork-SIG team has no time to prepare a 
standard CentOS template for the $lang.centos.org forums ...

Fabian Arrotin <fabian.arrotin at arrfab.net>
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