[CentOS-devel] 5.3´s anaconda src.rpm missing

R P Herrold

herrold at centos.org
Wed Apr 8 21:36:18 UTC 2009

On Wed, 8 Apr 2009, Charlie Brady wrote:

>> Just syncing slowly is what I've heard.

> I hope that consideration will be given in future releases 
> to sync the SRPMS before the binaries, do avoid this time 
> skew.

Let's see -- Perhaps one in 200 people USING CentOS binaries, 
use CentOS SRPMs.  Next look at the relentless railing and 
carping about 'delays' and 'lateness'.  Then look at the 
negligible (or at least minimal) responses to repeated 
requests for donation of additional resources to the project.

SRPMs first is not likely a course likely to serve the largest 
number first, nor cut the pain of having to listen to the the 
larger source of thankless, thoughtless whimpering, I'd say

A person wanting earlier SRPM access probably has to put up 
resources to facilitate such a path (I am aware of Shad Lord's 
recent mirror offer).  More bandwidth at the needed points 
[and avoiding fiber cuts] is harder to donate, sadly.

Mirror flap seems to still be a problem as well, probably due 
to some mirrors not syncing against sub-masters properly, but 
rather trying to cross-sync, and so confusing inferior 
unofficial sub-sub-mirrors that have beenm inprovidently 
editted in (based on main IRC channel diagnosis)

I would be thrilled to have a simultaneous coordinated 
release, but the 'leak' of 'patched' torrent instances, and at 
least two mirrors opening the full ISO set before the 
coordinated bit flip date and time, leave rather a bad outlook 
to me as to the ability to make things better through such an 
'inverted as to demand' approach

My $0.02 .... I'd love to be shown a path to avoid the 
problems on the 5.3 roll-out

-- Russ herrold

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