[CentOS-devel] FYI: centos reproduceability

Tue Apr 28 22:17:36 UTC 2009
Jeff Johnson <n3npq at mac.com>

On Apr 28, 2009, at 6:10 PM, William L. Maltby wrote:

> I could go on, but I hope you see the validity of this POV.

It sounds lie a great plan, well reasoned, and rational,
clearly listing the costs/benefits of creating and participating
in a OSS project, and astutely pointing out that any
project that doesn't understand the OSS model is eventually doomed.

Its a shame that reality of OSS projects invariably comes to the  
boring conclusion
	We're all doomed.
from (if nothing else) the 3 laws of thermodynamics.

But the vendor/capitalist model for software has far deeper flaws
than the OSS model you've described.

73 de Jeff	I was born an optimist!