[CentOS-devel] Documentation Help

Wed Aug 12 17:29:20 UTC 2009
Andreas Rogge <a.rogge at solvention.de>

Am Montag, den 10.08.2009, 10:51 +0200 schrieb Tim Verhoeven:
> Hi Brad,
ok - I'll admit it... I'm not Brad.
> Thank you for the offer to help. What we need is a script that mirrors
> the documentation from upstream (for example :
> http://www.redhat.com/docs/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/5/html/Deployment_Guide/index.html)
> to our site (http://www.centos.org/docs/5/html/5.2/Installation_Guide/)
> and in the process replace the header and footer with the disclaimer
> we are already using. Also images etc should be copied along.
> Our guess is that with wget and some bash en sed magic this should not
> be that hard. Let us know if you think you can write such a thing.

I just hacked it together using wget and xslt. It is still quite rough,
but works.
Downloading can be done with wget -r -nH -np http://whatever/base/url/
However, there are css files missing then (wget doesn't follow @import
After that you can just apply the attached XSLT to remove the header and
add the disclaimer.

So far I only tested with the Deployment Guide. I wanted to know wether
that kind of solution is ok for you. If it is, I can probably create a
rather small script for mirroring and maintain it.


PS: Brad - sorry for hacking that together, but it looked so simple and
tempting that I coudln't resist.

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