[CentOS-devel] mirrorlist issue

Andreas Rogge

a.rogge at solvention.de
Thu Dec 17 17:02:26 UTC 2009

While upgrading our servers to 5.4 I just noticed that the mirrorlist is
somewhat "broken" (at least for me).

For 4.8 it does work:

For 5.3 it also works:

But for 5.4 it doesn't work:

Is that intended? If so: how do I say "I want 5.4 and all its updats but
I don't want to move to 5.5 right now"

I know that usually one would just ask for "release=5", however - our
rpm-patch-and-upgrade-toolchain relies on the ability to pin the system
to a specific CentOS release until we're sure our boxes can be moved to
the new release. We do that by replacing $releasever in the
CentOS-Base.repo with the exact release we want to stay with.

Egermannstr. 6-8
53359 Rheinbach

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Fax: +49 2226 158179-9

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