[CentOS-devel] CentOS Directory Server (CDS) and more is available for testing

Fri Feb 27 13:43:15 UTC 2009
Jean-Marc LIGER <jean-marc.liger at siris.sorbonne.fr>

Brandon Davidson a écrit :
> Hi Tim,
> I know that we're still kind of in the middle of 5.3 testing, but I thought that 
> I'd pop this back to the top so that perhaps it can find some time between 5.3 
> and whatever comes up next for QA.
> I think the consensus was that the DS builds all work well - everything seems to 
> be stable, and with the exception of a few minor install-time items that could 
> be reported to upstream and/or fixed in CentOS packages, it's pretty much ready 
> to go. 

CentOS DS is also stable for us in production environment. So It'd be 
fine to add it in the next CentOS 5.3 release.

> I believe there were some legal questions about the Java bits that were 
> never satisfactorily answered, but that OpenJDK was a possible solution?

This part should be solved, as OpenJDK is now officialy part of RHL 5.3 :-)

> There's also the issue of the IPA packages:
> http://ftp.redhat.com/pub/redhat/linux/enterprise/5Server/en/RHEIPA/SRPMS/
> Last I heard, you were going to attempt to get these built, but were hoping for 
> some help with repackaging/branding checks. Did that ever go anywhere? If 
> someone can give me some direction or something to work on, I'd be glad to put 
> some time into it.
> Regards,
> -Brandon
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