[CentOS-devel] Security update missing - kernel-2.6.18-128.el5

Fri Feb 6 09:27:29 UTC 2009
Kay Diederichs <kay.diederichs at uni-konstanz.de>

Milan Keršláger schrieb:
> Please,
> do not delay this "Important" multiple security update. See 
> https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2009-0225.html for more info.
> This update is "5.3" kernel but has been released as security update 
> too. RHN pushed this kernel one day ahead of rest of 5.3 packages (on my 
> servers).
> RH maintains API and ABI (!) compatibility so there is no problem to use 
> this kernel AFAIK.
> So please, do not delay it anymore, this contains multiple security 
> vulnerabilities fixed since 2009-01-20.
> Thank you for your effort (a lot).
> M.K.

while the CentOS people work on it, you could obtain the kernel from 
