[CentOS-devel] [Patch] request for add VIA VX800 storage support on CentOS 5.3

Tue Jul 14 02:55:03 UTC 2009
BruceChang at via.com.tw <BruceChang at via.com.tw>

Hello Karabir and Akemi:
   Thank you very much for your suggestion. I have filed in a request in CentOS bugs system. The ID is 0003733. BTW, please be advised that the patch for VX800 will be integrated in RHEL 5.4 since kernel 2.6.18-156.el5 with bugzilla ID of 504121. It will be much appreciated if CentOS can integrate more chipset support in additional to VX800 for potential customers' requirement.
Thanks and Best Regards
Bruce C. Chang(張祖明)
VIA Technologies, Inc. 
Address: 1F, 531, Chung-Cheng Road, Hsin-Tien, 231 Taipei
Tel: +886-2-22185452 Ext 7323
Fax: +886-2-22186282
Skype: Bruce.C.Chang
Email: BruceChang at via.com.tw


From: centos-devel-bounces at centos.org 代理 Karanbir Singh
Sent: 2009/7/13 [星期一] 21:09
To: The CentOS developers mailing list.
Cc: Joseph Chan
Subject: Re: [CentOS-devel] [Patch] request for add VIA VX800 storage support on CentOS 5.3

Hi Bruce,

Thanks for this patch!

On 07/13/2009 01:46 PM, BruceChang at via.com.tw wrote:
> To whom it may concern:
>      I would like to request your help to integrate following patch for the HDD support of VIA VX800/VT8261/VT8237/CX700 platform:

as Akemi already said ( she does the CentOS Plus kernels for both CentOS
4 and CentOS 5 ), file a request at bugs.centos.org against the CentOS
plus category.

You might also want to consider taking this upstream to Red Hat (
bugzilla.redhat.com ) and see if they are happy to include it into the
main distro kernel. If they do that, all centos kernels inherit the
patch by default.

Karanbir Singh : http://www.karan.org/  : 2522219 at icq
CentOS-devel mailing list
CentOS-devel at centos.org

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