[CentOS-devel] Windows Server 2008 guest on KVM

Julian Price

centos.org at jul17pri.co.uk
Tue Mar 24 12:19:22 UTC 2009

Windows Server 2008 does not run on the KVM version (36) in the CentOS 
repository.  W2008 is the current version of Windows Server and not a 
Beta any more, so increasing numbers of people will be attempting to 
install CentOS+KVM+W2008, and running into difficulties.

KVM version 72 is required for W2008 according to this:

What needs to happen to get KVM-72 or later into a repository?

There is a very good KVM HowTo...
...but it does not explain how to install a version that will run W2008.

I have documented a solution in this forum post...
...but it relies on unofficial RPMs from www.lfarkas.org.  Is it OK to 
put that advice in a HowTo?

It took me days of research, recompiling kernels and packages etc to get 
CentOS+KVM+W2008 working.  I'm not complaining, it was fun, but I'm 
concerned that other people are just giving up and switching to Xen or 
Debian e.g.
...and it would not take much to keep them on-board.

Julian Price

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