[CentOS-devel] Windows Server 2008 guest on KVM

Tue Mar 24 23:38:28 UTC 2009
John Summerfield <debian at herakles.homelinux.org>

Julian Price wrote:
> Windows Server 2008 does not run on the KVM version (36) in the CentOS 
> repository.  W2008 is the current version of Windows Server and not a 
> Beta any more, so increasing numbers of people will be attempting to 
> install CentOS+KVM+W2008, and running into difficulties.
> KVM version 72 is required for W2008 according to this:
> http://www.linux-kvm.org/page/Guest_Support_Status
> What needs to happen to get KVM-72 or later into a repository?

Regardless of what happens here, I think you should also raise the 
question on the Tikanga (RHEL5) list hosted by Red Hat.

By all means point to your documentation, it will help generate interest.

Whatever CentOS (and Scientific Linux) folk do, if RH attends to it then 
their efforts are trumped.



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