[CentOS-devel] [CentOS-qa] New drbd packages available for testing

Tue May 26 09:53:51 UTC 2009
Ralph Angenendt <ra+centos at br-online.de>

Ralph Angenendt wrote:
> I haven't done any real stress tests, but the systems seem to work (I've
> bzip2d and bunzip2d for about an hour on each on node and then upgraded
> to the next drbd version, md5sums are still okay after that).
> All tests on CentOS 5, I didn't have time for any tests on CentOS 4.

As I haven't heard back anything negative about the packages by either
Kevin Fenzi nor by Fabian and the packages do install on CentOS4 and are
usable (very preliminary testing done by me), I'd like to push those to
the extras repository next week.

Anything which would speak against that?

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