[CentOS-devel] ipv6 in mirrorlist

Sun Oct 4 10:09:35 UTC 2009
Michael Simpson <mikie.simpson at gmail.com>

2009/9/30 Karanbir Singh <mail-lists at karan.org>:
> hi,
> So, running a natively ipv6 machine on CentOS comes with the problem
> that there are no published ipv6 mirrors in our mirrorlist's - we know
> about a few ipv6 mirrors, and it should be possible to extend our
> testing stuff to cover them.
> Whats the best way to handle this situation ? Am I the only one running
> native ipv6 at the moment.... is there someway we can gauge what the
> use-case-density for AAAA mirrorlist.centos.org is at the moment ?
> should we do the dns record, vhost a static list if we must, of a few
> ipv6's and see what the hit-rate is ?
> - KB

Hi Karanbir

We run on native ipv6 both in production and at home thanks to my
progressive isp (cheers Andrews and Arnold) so would be interested in
this. I think it would be good for CentOS to get ahead of the curve on

best wishes
