[CentOS-devel] Mock patch speeds up 'mock init' to 5 Seconds from cache (linked, rsync'd)

Tue Oct 27 22:56:09 UTC 2009
Christoph Maser <cmr at financial.com>

Am Dienstag, den 27.10.2009, 23:49 +0100 schrieb Brian Schueler:
> No, I didn't.
> The Upstream Vendor has already switched to Koji and
> it makes no sense to feed a full-blown software with
> a long rat tail of another software that will blast
> my embedded machines (which also uses mock for building
> software native (a lot of packages needs that)).

Koji is not a mock replacement and afaik koji still uses mock for the
actual build process, and will continue to do so.

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