[CentOS-devel] Documentation Help

Andreas Rogge

a.rogge at solvention.de
Wed Sep 23 21:44:46 UTC 2009

Am Dienstag, den 22.09.2009, 13:23 +0100 schrieb Karanbir Singh:
> Hi Andreas,
> On 09/22/2009 08:51 AM, Andreas Rogge wrote:
> >> After being busy with some other stuff I had some time to look into
> >> this some more.
> Can this process be used for non English content as well ? I've not 
> looked myself since there are clearly other people who have the 
> bandwidth and are more able.

I didn't test, but the XML-structure should be the same for every
language, so the XSL should work for every language.

> Keep in mind that private emails are a good way - maybe the best way - 
> to kill community efforts :)

Indeed. However, I didn't ask for private mail, but asked to get a CC of
the Mail to list if immediate response is desired.

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